Additional Information

Additional Information

The local current is 220 AC and the connection is made with a two-pin plug. Travellers from the USA will require a voltage converter. Travellers from the UK will need a plug adapter, This is best bought at home, as they are hard to find on the island.

Shops are open from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 19.00, though some close for lunch from 13.00 to 15.00.  On Saturdays, some shops open only in the morning from 09.00 to 13.00.

Banks are usually open from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 15.00.

The tourist office (tel +351 291 985 189) is in the Centro de Artesanato, on the coast road, just before the promenade.

The post office is on Rua Dr Vieira de Castro, near Largo do Pelourinho.

Flatter than its neighbour Madeira, Porto Santo is generally more accessible to people with mobility issues, though until recently buildings on the island were not really adapted for wheelchair users. But now, in compliance with EU regulations, most modern buildings have ramps.

Drinking tap water in Porto Santo Island
Most residents use bottled water as the public tap water is mostly desalinated sea water which does not taste very good.
The tap water can be used for bathing, washing clothes, etc.
For residents and long term tourist we recommend installing a reserve osmosis water filtration system with a cartridge that adds minerals to the filtered water is the best solution for perfect drinking tap water. This filtration system removes 99,9% of all contaminants in the water.
It’s like having your own bottled water on tap. A big advantage is no more plastic water bottles and big cost saving.

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